Price $39.95
The Songs:
In each work community there are songs which have special meaning to the people in the school. These songs are chosen to express their feelings about work ideas and usually relate to a specific period of time, a specific group of people and a specific place of work.
In some cases, the songs themselves convey the feeling, and in other cases the delivery. The lyrics become irrelevant; the feelings with which they are sung and played are where we should focus our attention. They might be children's songs, play songs or lullabies. The mood is the rudder by which we steer our boat.
Mise En Scene:
The songs on this videotape are sung by Antonio Asin, a 4th Way teacher from Spain, visiting another teacher-friend of Mr. Gold's, Claudio Naranjo. Claudio's wife, Elena, had promised one of the children in the community that she would come to her 5th birthday party. Although is appeared unlikely, on the evening prior to the birthday, the naranjos and the Asins arrived back from Spain and called on the morning of the party to say that they were on the way, much to all the children's delight.
While the children celebrated the birthday, Mr. Gold and his close pupils powered up the newly-acquired videotape equipment for the very first time. What you see is an intimate day int he life of the school, using the new tool--videotape, in this case with only a single camera (there are now three broadcast cameras).
The Technicians:
The videotape you hold in your hands has been produced under the technical direction of E.J. Gold. He brings to video many years of film experience and shares his talents as an editor and cameraman with several members of the community who have a background in film. As well, a few members of the gruop were given the opportunity to use video equipment for the first time under careful supervision.
With the advent of professional broadcast quality three-quarter inch equipment, Gateways is now able to provide you with a full body of new and adventurous work material. Some tapes are also available in 3/4" and 1" broadcast format. Permission to air is required for all broadcasts.