Price $39.95
Although the visual component of this video was almost 40 years in the making, the soundtrack came out of a whirlwind recording session of the Laughing Dogs in June 1991.
It is a continually flowing piece combining archival 8mm camera footage from New York in the 1950's with footage shot in the years up to and including 1991.
Using the analogy of the "pink worm" of a Voyager's travel through a lifetime, this video uses slices of that space/time track ("pink worm") called "Jimmi" to create "key spaces" forming a path through which the Voyager can again acess those work spaces.
These spaces or chambers, however, are not travelled through linearly and as you can see by watching this video, the doorways between them are passages through time and space belongint to a particular path within creation. The contrast of seeing Jimmi playing guitar as an adult in the same sequence as him play-acting a hunchback werewolf as a child creates a powerful image. He has become the guide for himself at an earlier age. So... which comes last, the guide or the child?
Subtitled "How to videotape the Bardo II", this tape is an invocational breakthrough in that for the first time we're enlisting the use of smell and taste to our regular line-up of sight and sound as additional keys for helping you to toggle over to the Bardo spaces. Prepare the spaghetti using the enclosed recipe and get set for a treat!